The following include a brief summary of a few of the ideas I envision being used to facilitate the spread of truth, love, & light. I am willing to co-create & partner with others of varying prespectives.
- Research Study. A research study which combines the knowledge and resources of the best Masters who utilize a plan similar to what is outlined in this paper to optimize the life experiences and consciousness of individuals. A new Wellcare (Consciousness Facilitation) system will revolutionize our current (outdated, re-active) healthcare system. With the scientific evidence supporting the revolutionary results from such a program, the wealthy drug companies, massive insurance industry, and preventative/remedial medical industry will be invited to progress with (or die off/close business) the humans whose suffering, illness, and death they have profited from for a long time. The wealthy drug companies continue to choose profits over human lives. They control the means to end so much suffering which in many instances; they have been capable of doing for decades. Insurance companies and their deceptive superbills, networks, secret combinations of alliances have benefited the few for far too long. The preventative/remedial medical industry is consumed with 90% remedy and 10% prevention. This is something that must change if our species is to survive together rather than the parasitic relationship which currently exists in which the prosperous few live as a direct benefit of the death and suffering of the many.
- New Associates Degree for Colleges and Universities. I invite you to ask any current or former college student how many of their required general education classes included the memorization and regurgitation of something partially or entirely useless in developing a happy, healthy, and successful life. (Yearly income is not the determining factor for a successful life.) Our current educational paradigm focuses on teaching a broad spectrum of memorized and historical topics (economics, philosophy, business strategy, science). A new type of concept based, consciousness development, will teach our future leaders, scientists, healers (MD, DO, DC, LMT, etc) and all other professions, how to first balance, heal, and progress their own consciousness, minds, and bodies. Then, they will be better suited to apply the principles of consciousness, awareness, and progression to their respective fields. These teachings will not be dogma of any one religion, philosophy, theology, science, or any other field. These concepts will be developed and progressively enhanced by the best Masters and Elders of our society
- College of Consciousness. In 18 to 24 months, an individual will become a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Personal Trainer, and a Life Coach. They will experience a personal awakening with a group of individuals seeking the same. The best of Eastern and Western modalities will combine with the students’ collective consciousness and their life experience to provide a “hands on” and “1st person” personal awakening. They will also benefit from facilitating the simultaneous awakening of classmates. Thus, each individual will assist one another with the balancing of body, mind, and spirit. This will be done with participation and guidance from various Masters, professionals, and Gurus.
- Innovative Yoga, Massage, Body Awarness Modality. Yoga. 10 poses, 30 min each. Give and receive. Breathing, muscle awareness, posture. This will be a modality that one can practice as well as perform on themselves as well as on others. It will combine kinesiology, movement, breathing techniques, meditative focus, yoga, and a variety of techniques that can be used to release fascia, trigger points, tight muscles, and clean out muscle attachments, and joints of the body. This will be a modality that addresses multiply levels of consciousness (unconscious/bone, fascia/emotion, muscle/mental, fluid/spiritual, nerve/spiritual) that are simultaneously accessed, connected, and developed. I have experienced this type of practice as I have been developing it.
- Myofascial Meridian Massage. Combination of Swedish, Sports, Thai Yoga massage that incorporates the principles of myofascial release while working the fascial & energetic meridians. There are common intersections of muscle, fascia, & energetic meridians where emotions, feelings, thoughts, & energies commonly become blocked & limit movement, flow, & function of body, mind, & spirit.
- Simultaneous Multinational Documentary Films. These documentaries will be video diaries of the awakening of individuals ranging from affluent to poverty stricken, healthy to chronically ill, etc. These movies will be released simultaneously to show, share, and demonstrate that all, regardless of background, economic conditions, or availability to resources, can experience such a transformation. Instead of a 2012 movie, that instills a sense of fear and anxiety for the future, a world destroying and killing nearly everyone and everything, a new 2012 movie will be made. This new movie will depict the “ending of the unconscious world”. We will see human brothers and sisters as they are freed from lives of fear, anxiety, sorrow, greed, unhappiness. (Instead of watching the world go to hell, we will see many freed from a personal hell on earth.) The proceeds from these movies will be used to establish colleges of consciousness within each country, thus establishing the foundation for permanent transformation in each country, rather than lining the pockets of an elite few with the means to envision, develop, produce, and release movies.
- Hollywood Style Movie. Option 1: Similar to documentary but with “famous people” from Hollywood that are willing to demonstrate their willingness to change to live in the world, not of the world. Option 2: Different friends/different life paths. Showing the “awakening process”. Celestine Prophecy style. They meet and have to “battle” with the media, government, culture, religion, family, to share the gospel of love, the brotherhood of man, the unity and reconciliation of all life.
- Pocket Version Book/Calendar of Consciousness. “A day at a time. A world in our lifetime.” 365 Body, mind, and spirit tips, ideas, practices, and meditations
- Youtube/Facebook and Iphone App of Consciousness. “A day at a time. A world in our lifetime.” Daily message/meditation for 100+ million people. Science, wisdom. Conscious technology. 365 Body, mind, and spirit tips, ideas, practices, and meditations. Include songs from various artists, a message that integrates multiple perspectives, and info about chakras, energy centers, or levels of consciousness. Show how many people daily “complete the meditation” to build the conscious awareness that each day, thousands of people join together in a meditation, focus, intention.
- Drinking Awareness. This is another project I am working on. Steel & glass water bottles. Choose your color. Choose your positive words, symbols, numbers, pictures, & crystals. (See Hidden Images in Water by Masaru Emoto.) Be aware of what we are consuming on a daily basis. Transparent business model.Let people know online how much it costs to produce these bottles. Let them know it is recycled or coming from US based companies (save on fuel – why buy a bottle that is shipped across oceans to get to you). Let consumers choose which charities receive proceeds. Win-Win-Win.
- Conscious Courtship. One of my next books will be a book concerning relationships, courtships, and love. I believe that the current paradigm, rules, and expectations of dating are outdated, incomplete, and damaging. It is time evaluate our interactions and see whether our behaviors are taking us closer to or farther from the direction we as a society claim we want to go. This will offers an alternative viewpoint in which the conscious courtship is a beautiful, life developing process, rather than a “dating game” in which many are pawns and players being used by the game itself.
- Television Series. Undercover psychologist. Gay Hendricks style approach to analyzing situations of different dramas in life and a confident person to interact/dismantle the situation or to play it out and then discuss it so that all might see where the “drama” is really coming from in a reality tv type of way. If everyone is obsessed with this style of entertainment, lets at least get some educational/evolutionary value from it.
- Weight Training + Yoga. When I do weight lifting, I utilize yoga breathing while lifting & do yoga breath & movement in between sets to reset muscles, flush metabolic waste & CO2, replenish oxygen & other essential nutrients. I have had 10 week periods of Yoga & cardio exercise only and afterward, I was able to lift heavier weights than I could 10 weeks before. This would be a fun modality to develop, study, & introduce into the world of weight lifting, bodybuilding, & personal training.